All Periods
If you are feeling up for it, download the following gizmo assignment and complete it for extra credit before Friday, May 20th.

Monday 5/16 - By the end of class today, you will be able to answer the following question, "What is Analog?" Click on the link below to read the article:
Once you have read the article, download the following document and complete it with the remaining time in class. Any unfinished work is homework:
Tuesday 5/17 - By the end of class today, you will be able to explain how the Seven Segment Display works on a digital clock. Watch the following video clip:
***Watch the following video for an explanation of the importance of the encoder and decoder both needing to understand the standard of measurment and the standard set of numbers:
***See if this animation will work on the iPad, be sure to click the upper right hand corner for the digital and analog clock animation and try it:
***Once you have watched the videos and simulations, download the following document and complete the coding:
Wednesday 5/18 - If you did not complete the Seven Segment Display, continue working on that assignment. Once you have completed it, you may begin working on today's lesson. Today you will investigate graphing sound waves. Reminder, graphing can be used to display analog and digital sounds. Review the following link for a refresher on this information: Graphing Sound
***Download the following document and complete the graphs and assessment questions:
Thursday 5/19 - Today you will focus on the Digital VERSUS Analog Music Recording debate. Watch the following video clips for reference information on the argument:

Read the following article as well:

Download the following document and complete the assignment:

HW - Analog World, Digital World Unit; Achieve 3000 article
Other documents that can be submitted this week:
Juno Assignments (Due 5/12, Late Deadline 5/19)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum (Due 5/12, No Late Deadline)